Action Air Pistol
Choosing a pistol should be based on what division you decide to shoot. Bear in mind, it is possible to choose a pistol that can be used in more than one division. Bare in mind, your budget and the reliability of the pistol you choose as there is a large variety of similar replicas.
We recommend a Tokyo Marui Hi Capa 5.1 as a starter pistol for Standard division.
All IPSC disciplines are based on speed, power and accuracy. To help with speed, your clothing must not bear load to your body but should typically protect you from the cold and obstacles. Make sure that you are able to apply allied equipment to you with the clothing you choose.
We recommend tactical and sports clothing that is light and comfortable.
Allied Equipment
The belt and accessories that you choose will be based on your choice of Action Air Pistol and the division you choose to compete in. The best way to choose is to find out what others of the same division use and why considering the variety of choice.
We recommend looking at the Double Alpha range for a belt, holster and magazine pouches of varying pricing.
Safety Equipment
Eye protection is very important and can not only protect your eyes but also help you see what you are shooting. Wearing the wrong safety glasses can distract you from your shooting, impair your ability to see or compromise your protection.
We recommend using Bolle glasses for a more economical and reliable brand. If you want accurate vision and less lens distortion, we recommend the Oakley range.