XPSC Practical Shooting Club 2021 AGM
Date: 24th November 2021
Meeting commenced: 19:00
Physically held at the HWDRPC Range, the following attended:
Tim Wyborn
John Thompson
Gareth Chillingworth
Paul Wyborn
James Smith
Aryan Alipour
Graham Coulter
Adam McBain
Alex Florence
Later: Adam Marton
Intro and welcome
Tim opens the meeting, welcoming all.
Matt Wyborn was unable to attend, apologies provided.
Evelyn King also sends apologies.
Acceptance of last AGM Minutes
Tim notes that the Minutes of the 2020 AGM exist on Facebook for review and also directs everyone to a physical copy on the table should anyone desire to review it.
Everyone is happy but for Aryan Alipour who elects to re-review them. James apologises for Aryan.
Gareth proposes we accept the minutes, Adam McBain seconds this.
Xsite Practical Shooting Club
Morefields, Tring, Herts, HP23 5EU
Xsite Practical Shooting Club
IPSC Action Air & 3-Gun
Chairman’s report
Tim Wyborn reads the pre-prepared Chairman’s report advising before-hand that physical copies are available should anyone desire to scrutinise.
Chairman’s report is read
Treasurer’s report
John Thompson reads the pre-prepared Treasurer’s report, advising before-hand that physical copies are available should anyone desire to scrutinise.
Treasurer’s report is read
Tim notes that the capital purchases made by the Club will be 50% refunded by the UKPSA which will help and will make a big difference to our future costs especially as this represents all we need for future competitions.
James proposes to accept the accounts, Aryan seconds the accounts.
Tim thanks John for running the accounts.
Secretary’s report
Gareth Chillingworth reads the pre-prepared Treasurer’s report, advising before-hand that physical copies are available should anyone desire to scrutinise.
Secretary’s report is read
Gareth notes that he will chase the missing membership details for those without them listed on Member Mojo and seek to ensure all other members are guided to competition readiness.
Stand down of committee
Tim advises who made up the previous committee (Tim, Chair – John, Treasurer – Gareth, Secretary – and committee members James, Adam, Aryan, and Paul).
- Everyone steps down –
Xsite Practical Shooting Club
Morefields, Tring, Herts, HP23 5EU
Xsite Practical Shooting Club
IPSC Action Air & 3-Gun
Committee voting
2022 Committee Nominations results:
The nominations for positions along with the number of seconded assertions were as follows, this was read out to the members at the meeting:
Seconded count
Only Tim Wyborn
Only John Thompson
Only Gareth Chillingworth
Alex Florence + Additions below
Nomination notes:
Oct 22nd – John Thompson formally requested to stand again as Treasurer – John also Seconded Tim for Chairman
Oct 26th – Tim nominated Gareth Chillingworth as Secretary and Club liaison
Nov 14th – Gareth Chillingworth formally agrees to stand again as Secretary and Seconds Tim as Chairman and John as Treasurer
Nov 2nd – Tim Wyborn seconded Gareth Chillingworth as Secretary and John Thompson as Treasurer
James Smith nominated Tim Wyborn to continue as Chairman, and provided backing to Gareth Chillingworth as Secretary, and John as Treasurer
Paul Wyborn nominated Tim Wyborn to continue as Chairman, and provided backing to Gareth Chillingworth as Secretary, and John as Treasurer
Paul nominates Alex Florence to join the committee, this was seconded by Tim and Gareth
Additional nominations
Paul nominates Alex Florence to join the committee, this was seconded by Tim and Gareth – unanimously agreed
Tim nominates Paul Wyborn to re-join the committee – unanimously agreed
Tim nominates Adam McBain to re-join the committee – unanimously agreed
Tim nominates Aryan Alipour to join the committee as Media officer – unanimously agreed
Tim nominates James Smith to re-join the committee only after James agrees he would like to – Seconded by Gareth & unanimously agreed.
Xsite Practical Shooting Club
Morefields, Tring, Herts, HP23 5EU
Xsite Practical Shooting Club
IPSC Action Air & 3-Gun
Vision for 2022
Tim states a desire to see the Club grow, to pull in more active members that are taking part and engage in more Competitions.
Graham asks about the space we have to work with and whether we can seek a bigger space – Tim shares that space-wise, HWDRPC is all we have but that there is a desire to cater for more members by running additional Club nights.
(Club opening nights) This will likely be:
every other Wednesday per month
at least one or two weekend slots per Month: Saturdays or Sundays 10-2, or 12-4
Tim shares that authorised key holders and the availability of them, for this Home Office approved Range, is the constraint and organisation of support for more Club nights is required.
Presently we have 4 key holders to support this approach from January. We expect to pre-release dates 6 months at a time so everyone knows where we stand subject to support from the wider HWDRPC.
GarethC notes that going forward every Tuesday night will be pre-loaded into Practiscore and will go live for registration at 7pm the day after the last Club night.
James asks if Practiscore can advertise Club dates – John advises that it is possible.
Alex asks if the Club night links can be sent via email as well. Gareth explains that it’s Facebook page and Messenger (IE its Facebook centric) – based on the workload this isn’t feasible.
John notes that Practiscore events are currently private, we can make these Public – this then solves it. All Agree.
Tim asks if we’re happy with 12 (2 squads of 6). Tim wonders if 14 would work – general agreement. If 14 then we’ll set up the Drill Area to better distribute the activities. James asks if we could do 2 courses of fire? – Paul shares our past problems with this. After discussion, generally
Paul asks if we can have a “Tickbox for Kit Hire”
Returning to the Vision for 2022, Tim shares his desire to grow the Club, run more days per week, achieve more shooting as a result, and engage in more competitions. – All agree.
Xsite Practical Shooting Club
Morefields, Tring, Herts, HP23 5EU
Xsite Practical Shooting Club
IPSC Action Air & 3-Gun
Competitions, ours and others
Tim shares the desire to run two Level 3 competitions in 2022, it’s noted that there will not be an Airsoft Surgeon match as COVID is putting constraints on necessary travel. Other reasons exist, beyond the necessity of these minutes.
Level 3 – Mercia
Detail is shared of a Level 3 Competition to be co-run with Mercia (Alasdair Mustard) at the Birmingham Shooting Centre. The hope is March/April time.
John asks how the revenue will be divided. – Unknown at this time.
James asks who will be leading the project. – Join approach expected
Aryan asks about impact from date conflicts – These are to be identified in advance and avoided for maximum turn-out.
Aryan asks about Sponsors – again, to be decided.
Tim explains that we need to provide the UKPSA at least 3 months’ notice, so it will need to be organised.
John asks if we can obtain insight from UKPSA as to when the optimal date would be for such a competition. Paul mentions about the match calendar.
Level 3 – Winchester
Alex Moreton has again offered the opportunity for us to run our Winchester Level 3 again. It is proposed we run a Level 3 then, again, all agree. Tim suggests 2 weekends, first to build and pre-match, second will be main match and teardown. Tim will the put proposal to Alex and this will provide us dates.
Lot of subsequent discussion about travel, camping, accommodation.
Level 1 – Mini-series
Best two out of three competitions, but we ask other Clubs to opt to run a comp (which could lead to many Level 1’s in the series and more involvement from Clubs). General Agreement.
James notes we should seek decent prizes to attract and bolster support. Tim suggests we keep it to Raffle entries (IE non-competitor related winnings). The more you engage the series, the more entries into the Raffle you obtain.
Title “UK Level 1 Series” is suggested as a rough name (TBC)
John suggests a generic Banner for this Mini-Series
James suggest and we all agree we can support other Clubs achieve these competitions. Whilst this is more a UKPSA thing, we’d help.
John suggests a pre-prepared Competition kit-box to support this.
Paul, scoring would need to be on Practiscore
The general point is to encourage other Clubs to put more competitions on. General Agreement
Level 4 – First UK Action Air Comp – Long term Goal
Tim shares tentative agreement from UKPSA for a Level 4 but not likely 2022, likely after the 2023 World Shoot, probably 2024 at the earliest.
Xsite Practical Shooting Club
Morefields, Tring, Herts, HP23 5EU
Xsite Practical Shooting Club
IPSC Action Air & 3-Gun
Club Equipment
It is proposed that we build up 2 or 3 sets of hire kit and keep it at the Range.
Tim suggests:
a couple of Glocks with mags
a couple of Hi-Cappa’s with mags
Each kit contained in hardened cases, stored at the range.
Associated notes:
Paul will approach Magload for sponsorship of belts and other kit.
iWholesale may facilitate acquisition at trade pricing.
Agreement first 4 sessions with Hire Kit at £15 (agreement after some discussion) then new starters must have own kit.
Constitution changes proposal (ongoing work)
Tim explains, when we started, we used a Sport England template for the constitution – there have been no issues. A recent situation with the wider HWDRPC club has shown up weaknesses that we should learn from and protect ourselves against through updates to our constitution. Tim explains..
Accordingly, Tim proposes a couple of changes:
1) The appointment of a President. A non-voting role, an active member of the Club, who is not necessarily mandated to attend committee meetings. When the committee stands down, the President of the Club remains and organises the re-election of the committee as voted.
2) Process. We need to tighten our processes around nomination of officers, expectations of officers, how we vote off an officer, disciplinary procedures.
Tim suggests that we form a working group, that work on it and we publish the changes for a vote.
James suggests that we agree a working group as soon as possible via a Facebook vote. That we establish the role whilst working on the constitution.
All agree.
Xsite Practical Shooting Club
Morefields, Tring, Herts, HP23 5EU
Xsite Practical Shooting Club
IPSC Action Air & 3-Gun
Suggestions during the meeting about scoring only every 3-4 weeks on Club nights to accelerate practice, to provide measured testing, which is something we could chart over time (Gareth offers to do so)
John suggests the recording of Courses of Fire and sharing them with other Clubs, make them available to provide “yard stick” comparison across the Clubs via Practiscore. General disagreement based on workload, venue sizes, “training other Clubs” etc
Postal league agreement this fizzled out – do we have an interest?
o Gareth notes the need for a strategy for success at the World shoot. It’s in April 2023, next year will go quickly, what will be our strategic path to the World Shoot, how will our 2022 experiences build to assure our readiness.
We have our, Level 1’s, our Level 3’s, Postal Leagues, and internal Quarterly Club comps. “Let’s not do this by Accident, let’s achieve this through strategic planning” – General Agreement
Alex with respect to development, suggests increased attention to penalties that in a higher level comp would be a DQ, we should DNF the stage to emphasize the negative. Tim agrees that at L1 comps, we zero their stage, if a competent shooter, then they’d be disqualified.
James notes that in the theory parts of the RO Seminar, they give good credence to Action Air and its role in helping underline good range practice.
Tim wrapped the meeting asking if anyone had any other points.
Meeting closed: 20:55
Noted Actions
John to investigate if there’s a possibility to “tickbox” hire of kit on Practiscore
Tim to advise Alex Moreton of our Winchester interest (and therefore liberate dates).
Gareth to look at schedule of yearlong scoring and results charting for 2022
Paul to propose/garner support for Magload sponsored Hire Kit
Tim to discover if iWholesale will permit kit purchase at trade pricing.
XPSC Secretary